We’ve been doing this blogging thing for over a year now. We have had our struggles and our wins. Trying to juggle two full-time jobs while also being parents to two toddlers, and run a blog, has had more struggles than wins lately, but we keep pushing along. It helps that our parenting niche has grown quite a bit this past year. I’ve come across a lot more parenting bloggers in our social media outlets, and it’s been great to communicate and relate with them over the struggles of parenting. We’ve also been introduced to a few parenting influencers, and it’s been great reading and learning about being an influencer.
Rise of Parenting Influencers
The growth of parenting influencers has grown over the years. Not just parenting blogs, but family blogs have exploded over the internet and social media this last decade. You see more and more family-style blogs and vlogs (especially on YouTube). We follow quite a few family vloggers, and we absolutely love them because they include their whole family. It’s great, it’s fun, and it’s entertaining. It also helps grow the parenting influencers category because parents like to stick together with other parents. We like to be on the same page when it comes to keeping up with the kids. We are more willing to flock to parenting influencers for advice on raising children, what type of activities to do with them, and what things we should buy for our kids. We take parenting influencers pretty seriously around here. We don’t recommend something unless we’ve tried it ourselves, or if we hear about a recommendation, we make sure there are examples and proof to back it up. When someone pours their heart into a blog post about something they really recommend, then we are more willing to accept it and are more willing to try/buy it. This is why parenting influencers have grown in numbers recently. Parents will stick together and back each other up.
Find something you enjoy
Without any influencers and parenting blogs, I think it would be pretty hard for most to figure out how to handle the kiddos nowadays. A lot of times there are parents that are completely clueless when it comes to raising their kids. Without parenting blogs and influencers, most would just be winging it and praying that everything works out. That worked for our parents back in the day, but not so much now. And what works for some, doesn’t always work for others. One of the key things is to find something you love and care about. The more passionate you are about it, the more you are willing to do it. It’s easier to write and promote something you enjoy and love. Influencer marketing helps companies get what they need but also helps influencers get what they need. We really enjoyed this influencer spotlight interview with James Hill, who has been an influencer for almost 10 years.
Boom in the Influencers Industry
Which is why there is a boom in the influencers industry. Sometimes the bigger sites may have more followers and views, but the smaller sites tend to have more of an engagement following, than followers and views. This makes the smaller sites ideal for brands and products because they tend to get more purchases from the engagement of the community with the influencers. The truth is though we need these parenting influencers creating content and sharing it because it allows those clueless parents to not be so clueless and allows likewise parents to relate to other parents.
It is hard sometimes to follow the trends nowadays because they’re always changing; I think that’s what makes being a parenting influencer is so great because you can easily adapt to the changes. You can look to see what’s trending and what’s not. It takes some planning, but you know what may work for you and what won’t. Here’s a good list of some top trends relating to influencer marketing that may help sway you to decide if becoming an influencer is right for you.
In conclusion
Whether you decide to become a parenting influencer or another type of influencer, it’s all up to you. As long as you love what you do, and it doesn’t become a chore, then have at it! Do what you think is best. Find your niche. Build your following. Reach out and connect. And don’t be discouraged if your following is tiny, it might just be exactly what a brand is looking for! Being a micro-influencer is just as great a regular influencer.